Listen Then Speak

The Importance of Boundaries - Julie Hruska

Episode Summary

Julie Hruska is a high-performance strategist and a certified performance coach who knows all about the importance of boundaries. Julie dealt with childhood trauma early in life and an awakening led her to stop living a life that wasn’t hers. She shares tips on how to set boundaries and transformational advice for anyone embarking on a journey to reclaim their life and true purpose.

Episode Notes

Julie Hruska is a high-performance strategist and a certified performance coach. She also has a master’s degree and is the owner of the company Powerful Leaders. Julie specializes in guiding people into a life they love through the development of high-performance habits in the areas of career, relationships, health, and finances. Julie also works closely with companies and corporations to develop high-performance cultures where employees are motivated and engaged. Julie and I discuss boundaries and why they’re so important in our personal and professional lives and Julie shares how her own journey shaped her path.

Julie grew up with a strict mother who often broke her spirit, both physically and emotionally. This created an energy of fear that made her doubt her worth and have poor boundaries with others. She had an awakening in her early thirties that made her realize she was living a life that wasn’t hers. Julie also realized that much of what she went through when she was younger was due to a lack of boundaries. Her faith is what ultimately pulled her through some tough life changes and helped her keep going down the path even when she couldn’t fully see it. Establishing strong boundaries is an ongoing journey in life, and Julie shares five ways to make sure your boundaries are bulletproof.

How Julie’s journey shaped who she is today.

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Listen Then Speak Podcast
Powerful Leaders
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