Joy Donnell is a producer, writer, and co-founder of CIME, the Center for Intersectional Media and Entertainment. In part one of this episode, we dive into the Hollywood production codes and how they shaped an era of global entertainment. Joy also discusses brand building and authenticity and shares a transformational story from her childhood. Get ready to go DEEP as we GET INTO IT!!
Joy Donnell is a producer, writer, and co-founder of CIME, the Center for Intersectional Media and Entertainment. CIME provides research and resources for storytelling, equity, and Hollywood. Her recent book, “Beyond Brand”, dives into how to use media to live and leave our cultural legacy. Joy has spoken heavily on Hollywood production codes, an era which lasted about 30 years where Hollywood chose to inflict morality standards. These codes essentially taught human beings how to be and included things like suppressed sexuality and not showing race mixing. It was bewildering for Joy to discover, and we discussed how it affected her.
When Joy wrote her book, she wanted to talk about embodiment and disembodiment. At speaking engagements, people would always ask her how to build a brand while remaining authentic. Many people think their brand needs to mimic their authenticity, but it’s really the other way around. Focusing on your cultural legacy brings people back into their bodies, which is the only way you’re able to be human. Joy shares a transformational story from her childhood when she first discovered the dark history of racism in this country and the body she was born into. She felt a range of emotions, but also felt what she calls a divine spark of defiance that helped shape her career and worldview.
Joy has a lot more to share, so don’t forget to check out Part 2 of this episode.
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